jenna marie hansen is a danish-american artist with a studio in the hunter’s point shipyard community in san francisco.

with a background in fashion and product design, her paintings serve as a visual diary and tool to process her own experiences and observations. she focuses on continuous line work within figurative acrylic artworks to embody universal emotions that facilitate human connection.  she believes that in the same way the physical body uses the movements of gesture as a language, the spirit uses energetics. she materializes this invisible energetic language by distilling it into a single, continuous line of intrinsic and intuitive movement. 

beyond self expression, her intent with these works is to spark a feeling within her audience. whether it’s inspiration, connection, a giggle…anything that makes the viewer feel alive represents success to her.


“tied together” artist residency show. el sur. mexico city, mexico. december 2023.

“sitting and waiting” solo show. pw salon. san francisco, california. july 2023.

“between the lines” with diane komater & flora art studio. uma gallery. oakland, california. april 2022.

“women rising" group show. the drawing room San francisco, california. march 2022.